"Pumpkin Lights" Tuesday, Oct 8 / 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM WPCC - Get Enriched
Create a pumpkin light. Teachers may receive teacher renewal credits for this class. Cost: $14
Educators - Please ask your local school system if they will accept a class for teacher renewal credits.
Registration Link: https://www.wpcc.edu/mc-events/pumpkin-light-2/?mc_id=1710
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 1, 2019
WPCC complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will make every effort to honor reasonable requests made by individuals with qualifying disabilities. Accommodations must be requested three business days in advance of school events or activities through the Office of Disability Services in Room 136 Hildebrand Hall or call (828) 448-3154.
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 211 / 2128 S Sterling St, Morganton - view map -