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The purpose of the association is to help keep Burke County dollars within the Burke County community.
This page is designed to give a brief overview of our member association benefits. All companies having a listing in the LoveBurkeLiving.com Business Directory (Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze Listing) are invited to join the association. This is a Free service to Burke County Businesses: There are No Fees. Membership is based on Participation and members have the opportunity to enjoy numerous incentives & rewards. Each member will have their own unique User Name and Password to access a secure Member Page.
Articles Members may submit an article that they believe will be beneficial to other members. The article should be informational and not a company ad. SLN will build a Banner Ad for the company submitting an article, if that article is approved by LBL. The Banner Ad will appear near the top of the article, and the Banner Ad will link to their website.
Directory Listing Our Deluxe Directory Members now have the option of maintaining their own listing. It is the desire of LBL to keep the directory up to date and we will always make necessary corrections for all of our members at No Cost.
Discounted Advertising LBL Members will enjoy discounted advertising opportunities. Call for details.
Leads From time to time, we all learn of a product or service being sought by someone we know. SLN encourages our associate members to share this information with another member. We ask that a member send their lead via email to an appropriate member and send a copy to ShopLakeNorman.com. LBL will build a Banner Ad for the member providing the lead and we will host their Banner Ad for 30-days on our Photo Gallery page and/or our Discount Coupons page. Banner Ads will be part of an iFrame Block that may be shared by other members. When a member is not sure who could benefit from their lead, we suggest that they consider posting the information in the Bulletin Board. This service is designed to be used exclusively by our members. Discount Coupons ShopLakeNorman.com will host your Discount Coupons for FREE. This offer is made to any and all Burke County businesses. This can be a powerful way to bring new clients to your business. Simply send us a copy of your coupon. No Coupon, No Problem! Let us know what you're offering and we will build a coupon for you. (Your coupon will be posted upon your approval)
Other Member's Discounts Members have the option to participate in this program by providing a Special Service or Discount exclusively to other members. SLN will provide a link from the member offering the discount to their website. SLN plans to make available Plastic Membership Cards sometime in the near future.
Networking Events LBL plans to host one or more networking events each year exclusively for our members.
Referral Program LoveBurkeLiving.com will provide 30-Days of premier Advertising Space on our Home Page for a Deluxe Directory Listing referral. Ads will be located within an iFrame block and space may be shared, on a rotation basis, with other members qualifying for that space.
List Your Business In Our Directory
Join The Association